martes, 8 de marzo de 2011

1º de ESO English File - Greeks

1º ESO: English File.
The Ancient Greeks
The ancient Greeks are in many important ways the founders of the modern world. It is true that their culture thrived thousands of years ago, but the ideas, building designs and governments that they founded anciently still exist in the Western World today. From sports to democracy, the Ancient Greeks will continue to influence the lives of billions of people for centuries to come.
The Aegean Sea
The Greeks were protected on one side by mountains, and on the other side by the waters of the Aegean Sea. The coastline of the Balkan Peninsula where the Greek mainland is found is made of thousands of inlets and coves. These coves were ideal for sea ports. Because no part of Greece was more than fifty miles from the coastline, many Greeks made their living through trade, fishing, and other sea faring means.


1)      Describe a Greek temple.
2)      What is the most famous monument of Athens?
3)      Where is the Aegean Sea?
4)      How did the Greeks live?

sábado, 12 de febrero de 2011

Los Viajes de Colón.

Actividad Interactiva sobre los Viajes de Colón:

¡¡Saludos alumn@s!! Aquí tenéis nuevas actividades relacionadas con el tema que estamos trabajando. Sigue cuidadosamente las instrucciones.

-Haz clic en la barra de visionado de vídeos de youtube sobre los Viajes de Colón y presta mucha atención a su visionado.
-A continuación responde a las siguientes preguntas:

1. ¿Cuántos viajes realizó Colón?
2. ¿Cómo se llamaba la isla que visitó por primera vez?
3. ¿Tuvo Colón algún tipo de problema en los nuevos territorios?
4. ¿Qué territorios desubrió Colón a lo largo de sus diversos viajes?

-A continuación realiza una búsqueda en Internet sobre la biografía de Colón, haz un pequeño resumen de la misma y cuélgala en tu blog, no olvides incorporar algunas imágenes tal y como hemos explicado en clase. Nos vemos.

domingo, 16 de enero de 2011

The Celts.

The Celts

            Who are the Celts? Aren’t they a basketball team? Don’t they all look like Merlin and go around casting spells? The Celts (pronounced with a hard “C”) are a people who who dominated much of Europe from approximately 900 to 50 BCE (Before Common Era) and survive today in the west of Europe: in Ireland, Scotland, north of Spain (Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria), Wales, and Bretagne in France. There are a celtic languages alive to in Ireland, Wales and Bretagne, the most important of them is gaelic the only official celtic language of the European Union.
            Celtics were a warlike people who lived mainly by pastoralism and farming, and there was frequent fighting between tribes. Iron Age Celts fought primarily with swords, shields, and spears. Population was divided into four groups: druids, warrior nobles, freemen and slaves. There were female warriors and druids too. Celtic women enjoyed much more freedom and status in ancient times than another societies of the same time.
            They loved personal ornamentation like earrings, bracelets, and torques, which were solid, metal neckbands. Many ancient Celtic artistic motifs, such as spirals, triskeles, and intertwining plant and animal designs, are still apparent in modern Western arts and design.
            Their druids and bards kept and passed down massive oral histories and memorized and composed epic poems, stories, and songs to entertain people and keep their traditions alive. Bards were higly respected for their work. They provided the entertainment.
            The ancient Celts belived in a pantheon of gods and goddesses, different tribes worshipped different deities, many of which were associated with the  features of the local environnment, such as springs, wells, and rivers. Prayers and offerings were often made at these sites. The ancient Celts believed in an afterlife and that heroes would pass on after death to an otherwordly place of eternal light and warmth. It was often considered to be an island in the west. They olso believed in reincarnation and the movement of souls between this world and other mythical realms. The druids were the clerics of Celtic society.
            The Romans gradually overcame the Celtic tribes or drove them northward and westward, because the Roman notions of combat stressed organization and discipline in contrast with the individualism and intertribal conflict of Celtic people.

Now enjoy your interactive activity in:  Celtic World in Britain


sábado, 15 de enero de 2011

El Imperio Romano.

¿Qué es el Imperio Romano?
¿Dónde se encontraba ubicado?
¿Cuáles eran sus fronteras?
¿Cómo se originó?

El Imperio Romano no es más que una etapa más de la larguísima historia de la Civilización Romana, la cual vino precedida por la República y la Monarquía. A menudo cuando pensamos en el mundo romano siempre se dibuja en nuestra mente la imagen de mármol de un emperador, las coronas de laurel y el famoso ¡Ave César! al que muchos tienen por el primer emperador de Roma, si bien Julio César nunca fue emperador de Roma, sino que fue Octavio Augusto, su hijo adoptivo quien se convirtió en el primer emperador de esta magnífica civilización.

Una buena forma de comenzar a estudiar la Historia de una cultura o civilización en una determinada etapa es comenzar por ubicarla en el espacio y el tiempo, por lo que resultaría interesante que visitaras este documento de google en el siguiente enlace: Google Docs